Join us for Karaoke

Karaoke is alive and well at the Thirsty Frog Bar and Grill. Every Friday and Saturday night from 9:30pm till 1:30 you can showcase your talents and have a great time singing a song from one of our 200,000 songs in our catalog. Come on out and be a star!

Choose from 200,000 Songs

If there is a song out there we got it for you to perform. We have rare songs and several different versions of the same title. Basically, if we don't have it, then it probably doesn't exist. Download and view our catalog of 200,000 titles and see for yourself!

Thirsty Frog Karaoke

Thirsty Frog Karaoke

Thirsty Frog Karaoke

Thirsty Frog Karaoke